Friday, January 15, 2010

WOW, are you serious?

Today Craig and I went to Meijer to find a birthday present for my dad. First off we went to find a recycled gift bag to fit his presents in. They had some, hooray! But they were all tiny and not going to fit the presents we had picked out. Craig suggests that we use a reusable Meijer grocery bag instead of a gift bag. Good thinking honey! So we go to where we "think" they would be located.. by the registers of course! So after half the registers and not seeing a single one, we pop into an empty lane and ask the lady working the register if she had seen any. She looked at us like we were from a different planet. "What.. umm... I don't really know what your looking for.." Was the response we got. I was thinking, are you serious? Does no one really use these here? So finally we find some at the entrance to the store, hidden behind the bread rack which was tall enough for no one to ever find them. Tisk tisk Meijer. But don't worry, as we were walking by a person who looked as if they were a manager, I turned to Craig and said, "I cant believe the lady at the register didn't know what a reusable bag was.." and then pointed to it. I hope she got the message. lol.

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